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XX: Masters: INT 551- Double Agents, Denial, and Deception

XX: Three Primary Factors for Success

Rachael Riggs

National American University

INT551: Double Agents, Denial, and Deception

Dr. John Lervold


XX: Three Primary Factors for Success

1. Double Agents

Double agents played a primary role in the success of the Double Cross Operation and ultimately the D-Day landing at Normandy. Without the use of such prosperous Double Agents, the Double Cross Operation could not have succeeded in the way it had. The agents set the stage for everything to follow.

Double Agents in World War II had a multitude of purposes. These agents were used to gain information on the enemy and understand what the enemy already knew. These agents were also strategically used to spread disinformation to Germany and place them with information the allies deemed necessary to accomplish their deception campaign and ultimately win the war. (Lt. Carminati, 2020)

The double agents were the primary reason any false information regarding the planned invasion was received and, most importantly, believed by Germany. The Germans had complete trust in these agents, and with their reports holding credibility, the German's confidence in each agent continued to grow throughout the war. (Macintyre, 2012)

2. Deciphered Enigma Communications

Because Britain had all of the German Enigma communications decrypted since very early on in the war, the allies, among other beneficial information received, were able to see first-hand whether their deception was working. They could witness if a Double Agents relayed information had successfully convinced the Germans based on their follow-up communications. (Masterman, 2012)

Playing on Hitler's decrypted communication regarding his already held beliefs of where the invasion would occur, the allies would then use this information to put together an entire deception scheme to convince him of this invasion further while planning and preparing for the attack in a different location. (Lt. Carminati, 2020)

The decrypted communications also allowed the allies to witness whether their double agent operation was running successfully. This knowledge permitted Britain to choose which information to pull back on or follow with further disinformation. (Macintyre, 2012)

3. Deception operations

Psychological deception played a huge role in World War II. Additionally, physical deception allowed all of the psychological aspects of the deceit to help form a more powerful and convincing portrait. Psychological, technical, and physical deception, combined with the other, helped further strengthen and solidify German beliefs in the disinformation of the war.

The fake army created as a tool to aid in the deception consisted of dummy tanks, decoy equipment, and artificial equipment and personnel, all of which the Germans could view air surveillance. To further heighten the belief in this fake army the allies created, they placed real people in charge, such as General George Patton, as commander of the FUSAG. General Patton was specifically identified in this role because he was well known to the Nazis. With him as commander Germany would undoubtedly never suspect that the army was not a proper army. (Lt. Carminati, 2020)

The FUSAG was placed near the Pas de Calais region, knowing that Hitler had assumed this location to be the point of invasion. This "preparing" army further instilled Hitler's belief in the invasion of this specific area. The creation of the fake army also aided the German’s higher estimation of forces, which resulted in Hitler's decision to hold back his troops at the initial Normandy landing. (Lt. Carminati, 2020) (Masterman, 2012)


Many things contributed to the success of Operation XX. Most things that made the operation a victory would not have succeeded so well in convincing without combining other forms of deception, such as the double agent's information about where the invasion will occur coinciding with the growing, preparing false army in the area.

A very strategic and brilliantly orchestrated cast of double agents made this operation successful beyond initial expectation. Double agents combined with the enigma decryptions could have possibly been enough in themselves to win the war. Combine that with the physical deception, and we see the transformation of a spectacular plan laid out in just the right way to fool the enemy and win the war.

It is important to remember that with deception in war, it is best to utilize as many different types of deception as feasible to make the enemy's beliefs in the lies as solid as possible. With every bit of falsehood connecting the dots, it becomes almost impossible to decipher fact from fiction.


Lt. Carminati, J. (2020, September). Assault on Fortress Europe. Retrieved from Army University Press: https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/Online-Exclusive/2020-OLE/Carminati-Assault-Fortress-Europe/

Macintyre, B. (2012). Double Cross. New York: Broadway Paperbacks.

Masterman, J. (2012). The Double Cross System. Guilford, Connecticut: Lyons Press.

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